Lefkada Sea Lakes

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Location: Town

The Sea Lakes of Lefkada: The incredible island of Lefkada is not only dotted with traditional remnants of the classical era but is also endowed with myriad species of flora and fauna.

There are two lagoons near the town of Lefkada - Divari and Ivaria. From winter to spring, they are frequently visited by different types of migratory birds. The thick rushes, which cover the area around the lagoons, provide a safe shelter for these birds.

Gulls stay in the area throughout the year but several other types of rare migratory birds arrive in flocks at the start of autumn. The most common ones that are seen around the area are cormorants, Eurasian coots, herons, swans, mallards, black-winged stilts and many other types of small birds.

Cormorants are found posing on top of stones that lie scattered across the Divari lakeside road, before flying away to Sesoula (an islet across Athani village) where they spend their nights. Herons are one of the most attractive bird species found in Divari. During the winter, when scarcity of food becomes severe, herons flock to Divari, where they patiently await their chance to grab a fish. Like herons, swans can often be seen here during severe weather conditions.

The protected area of the lagoons is also home to numerous other kinds of animals like hares, foxes, ferrets, weasels, partridges, blackbirds, thrushes, sparrow hawks, woodcocks, crows, carrions crowns, wild pigeons, robins, hoopoes, larks, greenfinches, goldfinches, owls, magpies, sparrows, swallows, orioles, wagtails, etc.

How to get there

The Sea Lakes of Lefkada are located in Lefkada Town.

Private transfers: We recommend using an online pre-booked Lefkada transfer service, which provides transfer by taxi, minibus, or private VIP car and arranging a pickup directly from Aktion Airport (in Preveza) or your hotel. There's also the option of arranging a pickup by a local driver directly at the following numbers: 0030 690 707 8138, 0030 26450 26555, or 0030 699 477 6364. Alternatively, you can book your taxi online.

Car rental: There's the option of renting a car in Lefkada and picking it up directly from Aktion Aiport (in Preveza) or your hotel. Using a rental car allows visitors to discover the Sea Lakes of Lefkada and many other places of interest in Lefkada at their own pace.



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