Nisyros Weather

The weather in Nisyros as in the case with most Dodecanese Islands is one of the finest one in the world, with lots of sunshine throughout the year making it an ideal place for holiday picnics. The climate here is almost dry the Mediterranean, that is, mild moist winters and dry hot summers. In summer there would be infrequent brief showers. Winter weather is wet and sometimes the rains cause mild flooding. There can also be slight snowfall in the mountainous area that melts away fast. The temperatures and sun hours are the highest in July and August (40°C). It is warm and comfortable weather from September to October and April through mid-June periods.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Nisyros in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 17 21 25 29 29 25 21
Sea 17 20 22 24 25 23 22