Kea Weather

Kea weather: The whole of Greece enjoys a pleasant climate, usually mild and dry, which, combined with its paradise environment, makes it an ideal destination for a vacation. Kea, despite being arid, can get quite humid as well. It is perfectly suitable for sailing, as not uncomfortably affected by strong winds. In addition, its relief offers some interesting paths for strolling.

In case you decide to move up towards the mountainside, it is advisable to bring warm clothes with you, because you will experience cold temperatures, no matter how hot it is outside. Summer in Kea is warm and sunny, just like in most Greek islands. Temperatures range from 25º C to 30º C. On the other hand, winter is usually temperate, with temperatures oscillating between 15º C and 25º C, rarely falling below 8º C. This feature makes Kea quite enjoyable in winter.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Kea in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 17 20 23 25 25 23 21
Sea 16 19 22 24 25 23 22